A Body Contouring Machine in Delhi is an approved machine. The machine helps to remove fat mass from that specific area where fat mass reduction is not effective.
It is an ultrasonic treatment that helps in fat loss by targeting unwanted fat and cellulite without the need for surgery or anesthesia. The procedure is a completely Non-Invasive, Non-Surgical, Pain-free, Body Sculpting, Skin Tightening Procedure giving instant results without any side effects. It works on the stubborn fat mass of body parts like the tummy, back, hips, arms, and thigh. In this treatment UV- rays target the stubborn fat mass of different body parts.
Body contouring targets most areas of the body.
- Arms
- Back
- Belly
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Thighs
Body Sculpting or Body contouring, can eliminate fat, shape areas of the body, and tighten skin. Body sculpting is an effective and safe way to lose weight. It’s a medical non-invasive, pain-free procedure that can be used in addition to other treatments like exercise and dieting.
Body sculpting works by replacing fat cells with healthy ones while removing the excess tissue from your body. Body sculpting gets rid of fat cells and reduces the appearance of fat on targeted areas of the body. Whether using heat, cooling, or ultrasound, body sculpting treatments kill fat cells that are then excreted over the next couple of months, which is when you’ll see full results.
Body sculpting procedures, including tummy tuck, breast lift, or lower body lift, may help improve your body shape and tone. Body sculpting can also help with skin hygiene by reducing the incidence of skin rash and infection that can form between the folds of excess skin in some patients.
The Body Sculpting or body contour procedure is a blessing for those busy people, who needs instant results and are unwilling to go under the knife. Body Sculpting has tremendous results after the procedure as it gives a beautifully toned body and makes an individual feel confident without any surgery.
procedure body CONTOURING Delhi
This procedure is Hi-lipo ultrasonic lipolysis (noninvasive with no downtime) which helps in reducing your stubborn fat.
There are Treatment involved in this procedure-
- Hi-lipo Cavi – It is also known as Ultrasonic Cavitation therapy. Lipo cavitation therapy is an FDA-approved, non-surgical, fat-reduction option that uses ultrasound to break down the stubborn fat under the skin then the fat is absorbed by the body and excreted through urination, sweat, and bowel movement. This process lasts for 10minutes. In this procedure, pressure is applied to fat cells through ultrasonic waves. This pressure breakdown the fat cells into a liquid form and is expelled out naturally through urination and sweating.
Then these fat cells are transferred from the body to the liver where they are excreted as waste. This procedure is better than other invasive procedures for eliminating body fat.
- Laser Liposuction
- Power-assisted liposuction
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction
Procedure before Body Contouring Delhi
Our healthcare professionals:
- Examine and take measurements of that particular area where the person wants to change.
- Then healthcare professionals draw that area with a marker or pen.
- They take pictures of that particular area.
- Discuss the procedure
sign a consent form and By signing in, you give permission to the healthcare professionals to perform further procedures.
This procedure takes place in an office or clinic. One session takes about 60 minutes. Here are some facts about body contouring surgery.
Then the Healthcare team:
- Give you a gown to wear.
- Position yourself on a chair or bed.
- Use a tool to deliver ultrasound waves.
After the Body Contouring Procedure, people can go home the same day, you can leave the office or clinic immediately after the procedure. You don’t need to go home and take a rest. Most people ask what is body contouring with or without surgery and can you contour your body without surgery?
The answer to this is that the procedure is solely non-invasive and doesn’t require any incision or surgical intervention. Also, some ask what is contour in the body. The answer is to try and get to know yourself. It also helps in facelift, breast reduction, and hair-loss issues.
BENEFITS Body Contouring DELHI:-
- More defined, well-shaped body parts.
- Younger, thinner appearance.
- Smoother skin.
Recovery time after body contouring: It has a much shorter recovery time. People can go back to their work and other activities immediately after the treatment.
Q1. How does the Body contour machine work?
Ans1. It is an ultrasonic treatment that helps in fat loss by targeting the unwanted fat without the need for surgery or anesthesia through which people can feel the maximum effects of non-surgical body contouring before and after the treatment if they follow a high protein diet with the procedure and it is a non-invasive, non-surgical, pain-free procedure, giving instant results without any side effects and it results in a toned and beautifully curved body.
Q2. What types of treatment are involved in body contouring?
Ans2. The treatments involved are as follows:
- Hi-lipo cavitation therapy
- Hi-lipo contour EMS
Q3. What is the effect of treatment on the body?
Ans3. It gives you positive results of weight loss and It reshapes your body, effectively removing your fat mass from the focused area.
Q4. How much does a person lose in 1 visit?
Ans4. The particular body part will receive six sessions. A person can lose up to 2 inches per session.
Q5. On which specific areas of the body does this machine/body contouring work?
Ans5. Body Contouring Machine mainly targets:
- Arms
- Back
- Belly
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Thighs
Q6. What are the important benefits of body contouring treatment?
Ans6. Benefits of body contouring treatment include:-
- More defined, well-shaped body parts.
- Younger, thinner appearance.
- Smoother skin.
Q7. What is the recovery time after body contouring?
Ans7. It has a shorter recovery time. People can go back to their work and other activities immediately after the treatment.
Q8. What is the procedure before body contouring?
Ans8. Our healthcare professionals:
- They take pictures of that particular area.
- For options discussed.
- you have to sign a consent form and by signing in you give
- permission to the healthcare professionals that is to perform further procedures.
This procedure takes place in an office or clinic and One session takes about 60 minutes.
- Give you a gown to wear.
- Position yourself on a chair or bed.
- Use a tool to deliver ultrasound waves.
Q9. Is body contouring good for you?
Ans-9. It does not require any surgery and is also an answer to what is body contouring without surgery and a non-invasive and non-surgical pain–free procedure that specifically targets the stubborn body fat mass.
Q10. What is the best treatment for body contouring?
Ans-10. Non- Surgical liposuction that is an Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction, which is a safe, effective procedure help to eliminate unwanted stubborn fat mass.
Q11. Can you contour your body without surgery?
Ans-11. Yes, by using ultrasonic liposuction treatment a person can contour his/her body without surgery.
Q12. What is Contour in the body?
Ans-12. Body Contouring Delhi is a non-surgical fat removal process from a particular area of your body through which it targets stubborn fat cells and helps to reshape your body.